Suit for Eviction
A common dispute in Bangladesh between landlord and tenant is eviction. In some cases it is seen that the landlord forcefully and unlawfully evicts a tenant and in some cases it is seen that the tenant forcefully and unlawfully continue his his tenancy. The Premises Rent Control Act, 1991 is the law that governs the [...]
Suit for Injunction
Injunction is a remedy in judicial process whereby a person is required to do or to refrain from doing any particular act. It is a remedy in the form of an order of the court addressed to particular person prohibiting him to do or continuing him to do a particular act. Injunctions are of three [...]
Recovery of Possession
In case of any immovable property, ownership is very important. The primary indication of ownership is possession of the property. According to the law possession means the physical or actual control over the property and the will to control all aspects of such property. Possession of immoveable property can be legally held by the title [...]
Money Suit/Recovery of Money
A Suit for recovery of money is called money suit. Money suit is a civil relief and acts as an effective remedy to recover money from the defaulter. The suit can be filed under Order IV of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (CPC). It is a summary suit (Order 37, Code of Civil Procedure) [...]
Title Suit
In simple meaning the term ‘title’ means the ownership of a person over the specific immovable property. When someone files a suit for declaring him as owner of a specific immovable property, it is called title suit. Title suit is filed under section 42 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877. In a title suit, along [...]
Narcotics & Drugs Cases
Bangladesh is not a drug manufacturing countrybut because of its geographical location, it has become destination. The Narcotics Control Act, 1990 is the principal counter narcotics legislation in Bangladesh. At present various new kinds of drugs are seen like yaba, ice, heroine etc. That’s why, new law is needed to be enacted. Now drug related [...]
Women & Child Related Cases
Violence against Women and Children becoming a very common social problem in Bangladesh. Nario O Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain 2000 (Amended 2003) is a special law and deals with the Violence against the Women and Children. This act covers offences such as rape, acid violence, dowry-related violence, trafficking, acid attacks, child marriage, child abuse, sexual harassment, [...]
Cases under Penal Code
The Penal Code,1860 is prime law regarding penal matters in Bangladesh. It is a substantive law and provides definition of all types of crime as well as punishment. Penal Code cases include murder case, hurt case, cheat case, fraud case, breach of trust case, robbery case, dacoity case, theft case etc. Cases under Penal Code [...]
Artha Rin Suit
Financial institutions specially Banks are the custodians of the public money. People generally deposit their money to the Banks for proper investment and transaction. Therefore, Banks lend and invest this Money to the Borrowers. Thus, the Banking transaction goes on. But sometimes the problem arises when some borrowers become defaulters of repayment of the borrowed [...]
NI Act Case/Cheque
Cheque dishonor means wherein the bank declines to pay (‘honour’) the recipient of the cheque the full amount of the cheque. According to Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (“NI Act”), if a person draws a cheque on a bank account he or she maintained for the payment of any amount of money [...]