VAT, Income Tax & Customs
Writ jurisdiction of the High Court Division can be entertained against the decision of Vat Appellate Tribunal as a last resort on procedural grounds. Generally interference by High court is found fruitful as High Court Division is prepared to go into details and takes lengthy submissions from both parties. On the otherhand, the High court [...]
Against any Arbitrary Decision of Govt. Bodies
It is evident that when a court or tribunal or any other govt. bodies or refuses or fails to perform their statutory responsibility, the High Court can compel the authority or court or any other govt. bodies to carry on his statutory obligation through the writ petition under article 102 of the Bangladesh Constitution as [...]
Artha Rin Matter
The Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003 (Money Loan Court Act, 2003) is the primary legal instrument dealing with bank and non-bank financial institutions’ (NBFI) loan defaulters, which prescribes mechanisms for the banks and financial institutions (FIs) to get reimbursed. The Act provides for the establishment of a separate court for dealing with money loan cases, [...]
School/College/University Matter
Since educational institutions perform public functions and are subject to state education rules, Writ Petition under article article 102 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh can be filed against them. The question of filing writs against educational institutions has assumed considerable importance recent years. The problem faced by educational institutions is today [...]
Anti Corruption Matter
Corruption refers to “use of ones official position for personal and group gain and that includes unethical actions like bribery, nepotism, patronage, conflict of interest, divided loyalty, influence peddling, misuse or stealing of government property, selling of favors, receiving kickbacks, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, misappropriation under or over invoicing administrative documents and use of regulation as [...]
Land Survey Tribunal Matter
In absence of Land Survey Appellate Tribunal , in any party feels aggrieve by the order of Land Survey Tribunal, or if any one couldn’t file a suit before Land Survey Tribunal within the Limitation period mentioned in the law- he/she may file a writ petition to the High Court Division regarding the Land Survey [...]
Freedom Fighter Matter
When one talks of freedom fighters the normal image that comes to one’s mind is a person who suffered physically and mentally for unshackling the chains of Pakistani rule in our country. The normal reaction when one sees such person is one of reverence, regard and respect. The brave and courageous deeds of these persons [...]
Service Matter
Writ means a written document by which one is summoned or required to do or refrain from doing something. It is a very important legal remedial right of the people of a welfare state for the purpose of enforcement and implementation of substantive law, where there has been an infringement of their fundamental rights, i.e. [...]
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